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Aerial photogrpah taken by William Hecht

What is a LWRP?

A Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) is a comprehensive land and water use program that expresses a vision for the waterfront area and provides the means to achieve that vision. A LWRP is the only planning and regulatory tool that allows a local community to refine Statewide coastal policies to apply to the local situation. Any local government in the coastal area or on a designated inland waterway may prepare a waterfront revitalization program and seek its approval by the Secretary of State. Once approved, the coastal LWRP becomes the basis for aligning local, state, and federal actions needed to achieve community goals for the waterfront.

Purpose of the LWRP

By preparing an LWRP, community stakeholders take the opportunity to evaluate local waterfront resources, develop goals and a comprehensive strategy for the best use of those resources, identify ways in which the community can reduce risk to community assets and make them more resilient to future threats and natural disasters, propose future land and water uses, and put in place a local program that will guide the community in attracting appropriate development to the waterfront area. LWRPs also provide the organizational structure, local laws, and projects to achieve the plan.


Completing a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program can significantly increase a community’s ability to attract appropriate development that will take advantage of, but also respect, the unique cultural and natural characteristics of its waterfront. Presenting a unified vision for the waterfront also increases a community’s chances to obtain public and private funding for waterfront projects.


Once approved by the New York State Secretary of State, the plan becomes a program with clearly defined procedures for local and state review of proposed activities and projects which ensure consistency with the program policies.  LWRPs are typically made enforceable through the adoption of new or amended laws. State or local agencies issuing permits, providing funding for development, or engaging in a capital project directly in the Waterfront Revitalization Area must ensure their actions are consistent with ALL the policies and recommended projects of a fully approved LWRP document. This ensures that the plan isn’t just “a plan to make plans” but rather a local policy document and program that local, state & federal agencies are required to follow.

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